In its continued efforts to advance comprehensive and robust oncology care and create awareness about women cancers among the people of North Bengal and its adjoining areas, Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, Howrah, launched its first and one of its kind exclusive ‘Women Cancer Clinic’, which will cater to Breast-Onco & Gynae-Onco patients in Siliguri. The services will be provided at Dr. Chang’s Superspeciality Hospital. The event also focused at creating awareness about breast& gynae cancers in North Bengal, highlighting the role and importance of diagnosis, information and preventive aspects of oncology. The Hospital is also joining hands with local NGOs working on Cancer Awareness to reach the remote areas of North Bengal to raise the importance of regular screening and self-examination.
Dr. Neha Choudhary, Consultant Breast Surgical oncology, Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, Howrah, said, ” Breast cancer is the 2nd most common Women cancer in India and the most common in West Bengal. Deaths from breast cancer are much higher in India than other countries, only because of late presentation of the cases. Approximately for every two women newly diagnosed with breast cancer, one lady is dying of it. Almost 72 per cent of the patients in West Bengal start consulting the doctors at 3rd stage. This is mainly because of lack of knowledge and awareness, fear of being diagnosed with cancer, fear of biopsy, alternative treatment and delayed diagnosis. “UNI XC SJC
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The North East Times , The Meghalaya Guardian , The Himalayan Mirror , Uttar Banga Sambad , Aajkaal , Janpath Samachar,Bharat Darpan , Himalaya Darpan , Prabhat Khabar , Hamro Prajashakti , Akhbar E Mashriq
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